Douglas Kazibwe
Douglas Kazibwe


About Me

I am a development economist with research interests spanning the fields Economics of Education, Labour and Health Economics.

My research focuses on the effects of early-life shocks and early childhood/adolescent investments on later-life (adult) outcomes, evaluating the impact of public programs, firm dynamics and labour, and the long-term impact of conflicts on economic development.

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  • Applied Micro
  • Education expansion and returns to education
  • Firm productivity and employment
  • PhD. Economics

    Deakin University

  • MSc. Economics

    Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

  • BA. Economics

    Makerere University

📚 My Research

I am a development economist working on questions in education, health, and labor economics.

My research entails using survey, spatial, and administrative data and applied econometrics techniques to explore various questions related to firm dynamics and employment,health, conflicts and education expansion programs with a focus on gender inequality.

Please reach out to collaborate 😃

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🎉 Forthcoming

My joint work with Jinhu Li, “Universal Secondary Education, Schooling, and Women’s Empowerment: Evidence from Uganda,” is now in press at the Journal of Development Economics.